School of Movement Medicine
ムーブメント・メディスン イギリス本校
Music Medicine
NPO Seven Generations (SG) : Seven Generations come from the Native American way of being which holds appropriate to think seven generations ahead and decide whether the decisions they make today would benefit their children seven generations into the future. Providing trainings and platform for individuals and communities for growing awakened world citizen and create sustainable, just and fulfilled society on earth.
Pachamama Alliance
パチャママ・アライアンス:1995年、ビル・ツイスト、リン・ツイスト夫妻によって創設されたアメリカに本部を置くNPO法人。南米アマゾン流域で昔ながらの伝統的な暮らしを守り続けている先住民「アチュア族」からの呼びかけに応える形でチェンジ・ザ・ドリーム シンポジウム(日本においては、NPO法人セブン・ジェネレーションズが提供)というプログラムの開発を始めとして「先住民が自らの力で熱帯雨林を保護するのを支援する」「持続可能かつ公正な世界という新たなビジョンの創造に貢献する」という2つのミッションを掲げて活動している。
Pachamama Alliance (PA) : NPO in USA whose Mission is to empower indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture and, using insights gained from that work, to educate and inspire individuals everywhere to bring forth a thriving, just and sustainable world. MM is deeply aligned with PA, “Awakening the Dreamer Symposium” which is one of PA’s educational program is included in the training.Every summer School of MM runs Charity Ceremony which all the profit donated to PA.
grace salon aki
grace salon aki : Aki Koike is an artist, Aura-Soma Practitioner and Fashion Designer.Based in Gunma prefecture.
このホームページを製作したデザイナー。Remembering Life-Shipをコンセプトに、Webデザインだけではなく、コーチングや声や音(クリスタルボウル)の演奏・瞑想を通して本来の”いのち”を生きるサポートをしている。
Web Designer who created this website. Their concept is based on Authentic Approach to create not only the website but to design “Life”.
Compania is a company standing on the original meaning of “Company” which is sharing (=com) Bread (=pan).
Their aim is to support the society to evolve into more sustainable, just, peaceful and kind. Organizing active hope WS, Permaculture, Community space etc.